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Lượt truy cập 1050140

Uraca Vietnam high pres­sure pumps


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High tech from the heart of the Swabian Alb

URA­CA have been de­vel­op­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing mo­tor-driv­en high pres­sure pumps for over 120 years. With­out doubt, URA­CA is one of the most im­por­tant and most ex­pe­ri­enced pi­oneers of this tech­nol­o­gy. bulong

The small town of Bad Urach once pro­vid­ed the name for URA­CA – and we have re­mained true to this lo­ca­tion de­spite a high lev­el of in­ter­na­tio­n­al­iza­tion and ex­port ori­en­ta­tion. And with good rea­son. Not on­ly is the state of Ba­den-Wuert­tem­berg fa­mous as the home of many in­ven­tors. The re­gion is al­so known for its fo­cus on tech­nol­o­gy and the enor­mous sense of qual­i­ty of the peo­ple who live there. This al­so ap­plies to our over 330 high­ly qual­i­fied em­ploy­ees.

Qual­i­ty is our great­est good and as a conse­quence we re­ly on Ger­many as a pro­duc­tion lo­ca­tion and on an unu­su­al­ly high lev­el of ver­ti­cal in­te­gra­tion. Our en­gi­neers de­vel­op and de­sign sys­tems for man­u­fac­tur­ing, pro­duc­tion and clean­ing pro­cess­es on the high­est tech­ni­cal lev­el. Tra­di­tio­n­al val­ues such as qual­i­ty and re­li­a­bil­i­ty per­fect­ly com­ple­ment high tech­nol­o­gy and a for­ward-look­ing ap­proach.

The struc­ture of our busi­ness al­so re­flects this. As a flex­i­ble, in­de­pen­dent fam­i­ly com­pany we are just as re­li­able as our prod­ucts.

This makes URA­CA a re­li­able part­n­er for many gen­er­a­tions in ev­ery re­spect.










A fas­ci­nat­ing prod­uct range for high pres­sure ap­pli­ca­tions

URA­CA of­fer a wide range of high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts. The core is a se­ries of high pres­sure plunger pumps for op­er­at­ing pres­sures up to 3,000 bar / 43,500 psi and driv­ing pow­ers up to 2,600 kW / 3,485 HP.

The range is com­plet­ed by match­ing high pres­sure com­po­nents, com­plete units and in­di­vi­d­u­al­ly de­vel­oped sys­tems.






P3-08 The P3-08 pump is designed for water and is widely applied for hydrodynamic cleaning tasks.
> more
Data Unit Min. Max.
Performance kW 7 30
Pump speed min-1 250 1000
Pressure bar 100 200
Flow rate l/min 20 163
Weight kg   83
P3-10 The P3-10 pump is designed for water and is widely applied for hydrodynamic cleaning tasks.
> more
Data Unit Min. Max.
Performance kW 8,5 38
Pump speed min-1 250 1000
Pressure bar 125 1000
Flow rate l/min 5 163
Weight kg 77 86


















VP602 Test unit with combustion engine on carriage, ideal for use on construction sites. For lig...
> more
Data Unit Min. Max.
Motor performance kW 0 8
Pressure bar 0 200
Weight kg   90
Pump type VP602    
JetPower 40 High pressure pump unit for all cleaning and testing tasks, mainly for industrial use. The...
> more
Data Unit Min. Max.
Motor performance kW 0 38
Pressure bar 0 1000
Weight kg    
Pump type P3-10    






MSÜV 20/150 Valve functions
- Bypass valve
- Safety valve
- Overflow valve
> more
Data Unit Min. Max.
Nominal diameter DN mm - 20
Operating pressure bar 40 150
Flow rate l/min 0 650
Weight kg - 23
MSÜV 29/300 Valve functions
- Bypass valve
- Safety valve
- Overflow valve
> more
Data Unit Min. Max.
Nominal diameter DN mm - 29
Operating pressure bar 80 300
Flow rate l/min 0 1000
Weight kg - 23


High Pressure Cleaning Tools suitable for all kinds of applications

The sys­tems sup­pli­er URA­CA of­fers a wide range of high pres­sure clean­ing tools. You will find suit­able clean­ing tools for all kinds of ap­pli­ca­tions.






Cleaning Accessories

and Components

URA­CA of­fers a wide range of clean­ing ac­ces­sories as sup­pli­er of sys­tems. You will find suit­able high pres­sure com­po­nents for each pos­si­ble case of ap­pli­ca­tion.

URA­CA’s re­lief valves are used for the safe and ef­fi­cient op­er­a­tion of high pres­sure pumps and units.

The high pres­sure wa­ter can be de­flect­ed by means of a swiv­elling and ro­tat­ing tool.

The URA­CA Mul­ti Con­sumer Sys­tem al­lows flex­i­ble op­er­a­tion and a ef­fi­cient use of high pres­sure pump units up to four con­sumers.




Flex­i­ble han­dling of ca­pac­i­ties

We want you to be able to re­act to brief and short-term tasks in the cor­rect way with­out hav­ing to in­vest in new equip­ment. This al­so ap­plies to bridg­ing main­te­nance and re­pair times on your own equip­ment.

In the high pres­sure clean­ing sec­tor, for ex­am­ple for high pres­sure units or clean­ing tools, we will be hap­py to re­c­om­mend ren­tal com­pa­nies with a range of URA­CA equip­ment for this pur­pose. Please con­tact us for more in­for­ma­tion.




The JetPower600 is an absolute high performance unit. This professional unit is in the right place wherever large surfaces have to be treated or cleaning tasks require a high level of power.

Leaflet (pdf)
Pump type P5-70
Discharge pressure max. 1200 bar
Flow rate 157 - 225 l/min
Drive power 565 kW
Diesel tank 900 l
Design 20" noise reducted
Dimensions 6058 x 2438 x 2715 mm
Weight ca. 10000 kg
Year of construction 2015


High­est lev­el of URA­CA man­u­fac­tur­ing qual­i­ty for your prod­uct as well

High­est lev­el of URA­CA man­u­fac­tur­ing qual­i­ty for your prod­uct as well
We are cont­in­u­ous­ly ex­pand­ing our high qual­i­ty de­mands with per­ma­nent in­vest­ments in new pro­duc­tion build­ings, ma­chine tools with the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy and of course the high­est lev­el of em­ploy­ee qual­i­fi­ca­tion. The in­creas­ing ca­pac­i­ty en­sures high­est ver­ti­cal in­te­gra­tion for us as well as short­er de­liv­ery times which are most­ly in­de­pen­dent of the sup­p­ly mar­ket.

You can ben­e­fit from this ca­pac­i­ty as well. The ex­treme­ly wide range of the ex­ist­ing ma­chine tools per­mits qual­i­ty con­tract man­u­fac­tur­ing, e.g. of pis­ton rods, crank­shafts or drive shafts of all types. The em­pha­sis is on the ma­chin­ing of in­di­vi­d­u­al pie­ces and very small se­ries. All ma­chine and per­son­nel ca­pac­i­ties are in­tend­ed for 3-shift op­er­a­tion.

Our vast ex­pe­ri­ence in com­bi­na­tion with our cer­ti­fied qual­i­ty ma­n­age­ment pro­vides the re­quired re­li­a­bil­i­ty on a high lev­el.


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